abclock | | Analogue Bitmap Clock |
akonadi-calendar | | Akonadi calendar integration |
akonadi-calendar-tools | | CLI tools to manage akonadi calendars |
anacron | | Periodic command scheduler |
asclock | | NeXTstep-like clock and calendar |
asclock-gtk | | Dockable clock and calendar with themes for GTK+ |
asclock-xlib | | Dockable clock and calendar with themes for X11 |
bbdate | | Display the current date |
cal | | Enhanced color version of standard calendar utility |
calcurse | | Text based calendar and scheduling application |
calendarsupport | | Calendar support library |
cardboard-schedule | | Project and resource management software implemented in Java/Swing |
catclock | | Variant of the MIT xclock with a cat mode |
clock-rs | | Modern, terminal-based digital clock |
dates (V) | | Dates is a small, lightweight calendar |
dateutils | | Command line tools for working with dates |
dclock | | Digital clock for X |
ddate | | Discordian calendar date(1) command |
deforaos-todo | | DeforaOS desktop todo list |
devtodo | | Display and manage a list of items that are outstanding |
emiclock | | Analog clock with image in the middle |
evolution (V) | | Mail and calendar client from GNOME |
fet | | Automatically schedule timetables |
gcal | | GNU version of the standard calendar utility |
gchore | | Chore reminder tool with gtk UI |
glclock | | OpenGL-based pocket watch |
glista (V) | | Simple task list management utility |
globe | | Display the currently-lighted face of Earth in ASCII |
gnome-calendar | | Calendar application for GNOME |
gnome-pomodoro | | Pomodoro timer for Gnome |
gnutime | | Report user, system, and real time used by a process |
gnyaclock | | Accessory with Bezier curve |
grdc | | Grand digital clock from FreeBSD-current games |
hebcal | | Perpetual Hebrew calendar |
heirloom-date | | Collection of standard Unix utilities (date) |
hs-clock | | High-resolution clock functions: monotonic, realtime, cputime |
hs-hourglass | | Simple performant time related library |
hs-old-time | | Time library |
hs-text-iso8601 | | Converting time to and from ISO 8601 text |
hs-time-compat | | Compatibility package for time |
hs-time-locale-compat | | Compatibility module for time-format locale |
hs-time-manager | | Scalable timer |
hs-timezone-olson | | Pure Haskell parser and renderer for binary Olson timezone files |
hs-timezone-series | | Enhanced timezone handling for Data.Time |
hs-unix-time | | Unix time parser/formatter and utilities |
ical | | Calendar application |
ical2rem | | Convert iCal files to remind format |
jday | | Julian date calculator |
kalarm | | Personal alarm scheduler |
kcalendarcore | | KDE calendar access library |
kcalutils | | KDE calendar access library |
kf6-kcalendarcore | | KDE calendar access library |
kf6-kholidays | | KDE library for regional holiday information |
khal | | CLI calendar application built around CalDAV |
khard-git (V) | | Console carddav client |
kholidays | | KDE library for regional holiday information |
korganizer | | Calendar and scheduling Program |
kronolith | | Horde calendar application |
ktimer | | KDE countdown launcher |
leapsunpack | | Creates libtai leapsecs.dat from compressed table |
libical | | Reference implementation of the iCalendar data type and format |
lmclock | | Hard-coded Xerox Lisp machine clock clone |
logtime | | Prints date and time in a standard format |
lua-chronos | | High resolution monotonic timers for Lua |
lua-date | | Date and Time module for Lua 5.x |
lua-tz | | Lua library for time and date manipulation |
memo | | A simple memo tool written in bash |
ntimed-git (V) | | Network Time Synchronization |
ntpsec | | Hardened & improved NTP implementation derived from NTP Classic |
ocaml-calendar | | OCaml library managing dates and times |
ocaml-mirage-clock | | Portable clock implementation |
ocaml-mtime | | Monotonic wall-clock time for OCaml |
ocaml-time_now | | Library that reports the current time |
ocaml-timezone | | Library for time zone handling |
oclock | | Simple analog clock to make a round window |
org-caldav-git (V) | | Caldav sync for Emacs Orgmode |
p5-Business-Hours | | Calculate business hours in a time period |
p5-Calendar-Simple | | Perl extension to create simple calendars |
p5-Convert-NLS_DATE_FORMAT | | Convert Oracle NLS_DATE_FORMAT <-> strftime Format Strings |
p5-Data-ICal | | Generates iCalendar (RFC 2445) calendar files |
p5-Data-ICal-DateTime | | Convenience methods for using Data::ICal with DateTime |
p5-Date-Extract | | Perl 5 module to extract probable dates from strings |
p5-Date-ICal | | Perl extension for ICalendar date objects |
p5-Date-Leapyear | | Is a particular year a leap year? |
p5-Date-Range | | Date::Range - deal with a range of dates |
p5-DateTime | | Perl module for date/time sets and ranges |
p5-DateTime-Calendar-Discordian | | Perl extension for the Discordian Calendar |
p5-DateTime-Calendar-Julian | | Dates in the Julian calendar |
p5-DateTime-Calendar-Mayan | | The Mayan Long Count, Haab, and Tzolkin calendars |
p5-DateTime-Event-Cron | | DateTime extension to handle crontab entries |
p5-DateTime-Event-ICal | | DateTime extension for computing rfc2445 recurrences |
p5-DateTime-Event-Random | | DateTime extension for creating random datetimes |
p5-DateTime-Event-Recurrence | | DateTime::Set extension to create basic recurrence sets |
p5-DateTime-Format-Builder | | Create DateTime parser classes and objects |
p5-DateTime-Format-CLDR | | Parse and format CLDR, Common Locale Date Repository, time patterns |
p5-DateTime-Format-DateManip | | Convert Date::Manip dates and durations to/from DateTimes |
p5-DateTime-Format-DateParse | | Parses Date::Parse compatible formats |
p5-DateTime-Format-Epoch | | Convert DateTimes to/from epoch seconds |
p5-DateTime-Format-Flexible | | Flexibly parse strings and turn them into DateTime objects |
p5-DateTime-Format-HTTP | | Deal with date formats used by HTTP |
p5-DateTime-Format-ICal | | Parse and format iCal datetime and duration strings |
p5-DateTime-Format-ISO8601 | | Parses ISO8601 formats |
p5-DateTime-Format-Mail | | Convert between DateTime and RFC2822/822 formats |
p5-DateTime-Format-MySQL | | Parse and format MySQL dates and times |
p5-DateTime-Format-Natural | | Create machine readable date/time with natural parsing logic |
p5-DateTime-Format-Oracle | | Parse and format Oracle dates and timestamps |
p5-DateTime-Format-Pg | | Parse and format PostgreSQL dates and times |
p5-DateTime-Format-SQLite | | Parse and format SQLite dates and times |
p5-DateTime-Format-Strptime | | Perl 5 module to parse and format strp and strf time patterns |
p5-DateTime-Format-W3CDTF | | Convert between DateTime and W3CDTF date/time format |
p5-DateTime-HiRes | | Create DateTime objects with sub-second current time resolution |
p5-DateTime-Incomplete | | DateTime::Incomplete - An incomplete datetime, like January 5 |
p5-DateTime-Locale | | Localization data for p5-DateTime |
p5-DateTime-Precise | | Perl module for common time and date operations with GPS ops |
p5-DateTime-Set | | Perl module for date/time sets and ranges |
p5-DateTime-TimeZone | | Perl module to handle time zone manipulation |
p5-DateTime-TimeZone-HPUX | | Handles timezones defined at the operating system level on HP-UX |
p5-DateTimeX-Easy | | Parse a date/time string using the best method available |
p5-MooseX-Types-DateTime | | DateTime related constraints and coercions for Moose |
p5-MooseX-Types-DateTime-ButMaintained | | DateTime related constraints and coercions for Moose |
p5-MooseX-Types-DateTime-MoreCoercions | | Extensions to MooseX::Types::DateTime |
p5-MooseX-Types-DateTimeX | | Extensions to MooseX::Types::DateTime::ButMaintained |
p5-Olson-Abbreviations | | Perl extension for globally unique timezones abbreviation handling |
p5-POSIX-strftime-Compiler | | Perl extension for glibc compatible strftime for loggers/servers |
p5-Rose-DateTime | | DateTime helper functions and objects for Rose |
p5-Schedule-At | | OS independent interface to the Unix 'at' command |
p5-Schedule-Cron-Events | | Perl module to find when crontab events will occur |
p5-Template-Plugin-DateTime | | Template plugin to use DateTime objects |
p5-Test-MockTime | | Replaces actual time with simulated time |
p5-Test-MockTime-HiRes | | Replaces actual time with simulated high resolution time |
p5-Test-Time | | Override time()/sleep() core functions for testing |
p5-Time-Clock | | Twenty-four hour clock object with nanosecond precision |
p5-Time-Duration | | Perl5 module for rounded or exact English expression of durations |
p5-Time-Duration-Parse | | Perl5 module to parse string that represents time duration |
p5-Time-Elapsed | | Displays the elapsed time as a human readable string |
p5-Time-Format | | Easy-to-use date/time formatting |
p5-Time-Format_XS | | Companion module for Time::Format, to speed up time formatting |
p5-Time-Interval | | Converts time intervals of days, hours, minutes, and seconds |
p5-Time-modules | | Miscellaneous date parsing and formatting |
p5-Time-Period | | Perl5 module to deal with time periods |
p5-Time-Piece-Range (V) | | Time::Piece::Range - deal with a range of Time::Piece objects |
p5-Time-Progress | | Elapsed and estimated finish time reporting |
p5-Time-TAI64 | | Convert TAI64 strings into standard unix timestamps |
p5-Time-Warp | | Perl 5 module to control the flow of time |
p5-TimeDate | | Perl5 TimeDate distribution |
pcal | | PostScript calendar program |
pclock | | Simple analog clock designed for Window Maker |
pear-Date | | PHP Date and Time Zone Classes |
phoon | | Show phase of the moon on ASCII terminal |
php-calendar | | PHP extension for calendar conversion support |
php-framadate | | Poll and appointement web application |
php-mrbs | | Meeting Room Booking System |
plan | | Schedule planner based on X/Motif |
polclock | | Digital clock with some nice graphics effects |
projectlibre | | Project management software |
py-aniso8601 | | Library for parsing ISO 8601 strings |
py-arrow | | Better dates and times for Python |
py-backoff (V) | | Function decoration for backoff and retry |
py-backports-datetime-fromisoformat | | Backport of Python 3.11's datetime.fromisoformat |
py-CalDAVClientLibrary (V) | | CalDAV library for python used by CalendarServer |
py-calverter (V) | | Convert date between Hijri, Jalali and Gregorian types of date |
py-cerridwen (V) | | Accurate solar system data for everyone |
py-cftime | | Time-handling functionality |
py-ciso8601 | | Fast ISO8601 date time parser for Python written in C |
py-dateparser | | Date parsing library designed to parse dates from HTML pages |
py-dateutil | | Extensions to the standard datetime module |
py-divmod-epsilon (V) | | Python utilities package, most famous for its Time class |
py-durationpy | | Converting between datetime.timedelta and Go's Duration |
py-goocalendar | | Calendar widget using GooCanvas |
py-icalendar | | Python parser/generator for iCalendar files, as per RFC2445 |
py-iso8601 | | Simple Python module to parse ISO 8601 dates |
py-isodate | | ISO 8601 date/time/duration parser and formatter |
py-jdcal | | Julian dates from proleptic Gregorian and Julian calendars |
py-jewish (V) | | Jewish calendar calculations |
py-jinja2-time | | Jinja2 extention for dates and times |
py-jrnl | | Command line journal application |
py-juliandate | | Python module for Julian date conversions |
py-khayyam (V) | | Khayyam(Jalali Persian Datetime) library |
py-l18n | | Translations for pytz names |
py-ligotimegps | | Pure-python version of lal.LIGOTimeGPS |
py-mxDateTime | | Python extension that provides types and conversions for dates |
py-parsedatetime | | Python module for parsing human-readable date/time text |
py-prayertime (V) | | Prayertime algorithm implementation in python |
py-pytimeparse | | Time expression parser |
py-pytz | | World timezone definitions, modern and historical |
py-pytz_deprecation_shim | | Shims to make deprecation of pytz easier |
py-relativetimebuilder | | Dateutil relativedeltas for calendar precision with aniso8601 |
py-rfc3339 | | Library for generating and parsing RFC 3339-compliant timestamps |
py-rfc3339-validator | | Pure Python RFC3339 validator |
py-snaptime | | Transform timestamps with a simple DSL |
py-strict-rfc3339 | | Strict, simple, lightweight RFC3339 functions |
py-tempora | | Objects and routines pertaining to date and time |
py-time-machine | | Travel through time in your tests |
py-timeago (V) | | Used to format datetime with time ago statement |
py-timelib | | Parse English textual date descriptions |
py-timeline (V) | | Timeline module for modelling a series of actions |
py-trading-calendars | | Securities exchange calendars used by Zipline |
py-trytond-company-work-time | | Company work time module of the Tryton application platform |
py-trytond-timesheet | | Timesheet module of Tryton's application platform |
py-trytond-timesheet-cost | | Timesheet cost module of Tryton's application platform |
py-types-python-dateutil | | Typing stubs for python-dateutil |
py-tzdata | | Provider of IANA time zone data |
py-tzlocal | | Python tzinfo object for the local timezone |
py-vdirsyncer | | Synchronization tool for vdir |
R-hms | | Pretty time of day |
R-lubridate | | Make Dealing with Dates a Little Easier |
R-nanotime | | Nanosecond-Resolution Time Support for R |
R-RcppCCTZ | | 'Rcpp' Bindings for the 'CCTZ' Library |
R-RcppDate | | 'date' C++ Header Library for Date and Time Functionality |
R-sftime | | Classes and Methods for Simple Feature Objects that Have a Time Column |
R-timechange | | Efficient Manipulation of Date-Times |
R-timeDate | | Chronological and calendar objects |
R-tzdb | | Time Zone Database Information |
Radicale (V) | | CalDAV (calendar) and CardDAV (contact) server (major version 1) |
Radicale2 (V) | | CalDAV (calendar) and CardDAV (contact) server |
Radicale3 (V) | | CalDAV (calendar) and CardDAV (contact) server |
rclock | | Analog clock for X w/appointment reminder and mail notification |
rem2ics | | Convert remind output into RFC2445 iCalendar format |
remind | | Calendar/alarm program with interpreted input language |
rsclock | | Simple terminal clock |
rsibreak | | RSI management tool |
ruby-3llo (V) | | CLI for Trello |
ruby-hiera (V) | | Light weight hierarchical data store |
ruby-hitimes | | Fast, high resolution timer library |
ruby-iso8601 | | Ruby parser to work with ISO 8601 dateTimes and durations |
ruby-powerbar (V) | | The last progressbar-library you'll ever need |
ruby-timeout | | Auto-terminate potentially long-running operations in Ruby |
ruby-timers | | Pure Ruby one-shot and periodic timers |
ruby-tins (V) | | Not good/big enough for a real library |
ruby-tzinfo | | Daylight savings aware timezone library |
ruby-tzinfo-data | | Daylight-savings-aware timezone library data |
ruby-tzinfo1 | | Daylight savings aware timezone library |
rusti-cal | | Minimal calendar command line |
saturn-cli | | Calendar for CLI nerds |
saytime | | Talking clock |
sunclock | | Show which portion of the Earth's surface is illuminated by the Sun |
swisswatch | | Swiss railway clock emulation, and a fancy default appearance |
tasks (V) | | Simple To Do list application for GNOME |
taskwarrior | | Open source, command-line, TODO list manager |
tdl | | Todo list manager with tons of features |
tex-bxjaholiday | | Support for Japanese holidays |
tex-bxjaholiday-doc | | Documentation for tex-bxjaholiday |
tex-bxwareki | | Convert dates from Gregorian to Japanese calender |
tex-bxwareki-doc | | Documentation for tex-bxwareki |
tex-datenumber | | Convert a date into a number and vice versa |
tex-datenumber-doc | | Documentation for tex-datenumber |
tex-datetime2 | | Formats for dates, times and time zones |
tex-datetime2-bahasai | | Bahasai language module for the datetime2 package |
tex-datetime2-basque | | Basque language module for the datetime2 package |
tex-datetime2-breton | | Breton language module for the datetime2 package |
tex-datetime2-bulgarian | | Bulgarian language module for the datetime2 package |
tex-datetime2-catalan | | Catalan language module for the datetime2 package |
tex-datetime2-croatian | | Croatian language module for the datetime2 package |
tex-datetime2-czech | | Czech language module for the datetime2 package |
tex-datetime2-danish | | Danish language module for the datetime2 package |
tex-datetime2-doc | | Documentation for tex-datetime2 |
tex-datetime2-dutch | | Dutch language module for the datetime2 package |
tex-datetime2-en-fulltext | | English Full Text styles for the datetime2 package |
tex-datetime2-english | | English language module for the datetime2 package |
tex-datetime2-esperanto | | Esperanto language module for the datetime2 package |
tex-datetime2-estonian | | Estonian language module for the datetime2 package |
tex-datetime2-finnish | | Finnish language module for the datetime2 package |
tex-datetime2-french | | French language module for the datetime2 package |
tex-datetime2-galician | | Galician language module for the datetime2 package |
tex-datetime2-german | | German language module for the datetime2 package |
tex-datetime2-greek | | Greek language module for the datetime2 package |
tex-datetime2-hebrew | | Hebrew language module for the datetime2 package |
tex-datetime2-icelandic | | Icelandic language module for the datetime2 package |
tex-datetime2-irish | | Irish Gaelic Language Module for the datetime2 Package |
tex-datetime2-it-fulltext | | Italian full text styles for the datetime2 package |
tex-datetime2-italian | | Italian language module for the datetime2 package |
tex-datetime2-latin | | Latin language module for the datetime2 package |
tex-datetime2-lsorbian | | Lower Sorbian language module for the datetime2 package |
tex-datetime2-magyar | | Magyar language module for the datetime2 package |
tex-datetime2-norsk | | Norsk language module for the datetime2 package |
tex-datetime2-polish | | Polish language module for the datetime2 package |
tex-datetime2-portuges | | Portuguese language module for the datetime2 package |
tex-datetime2-romanian | | Romanian language module for the datetime2 package |
tex-datetime2-russian | | Russian language module for the datetime2 package |
tex-datetime2-samin | | Northern Sami language module for the datetime2 package |
tex-datetime2-scottish | | Scottish Gaelic Language Module for the datetime2 Package |
tex-datetime2-serbian | | Serbian language module for the datetime2 package |
tex-datetime2-slovak | | Slovak language module for the datetime2 package |
tex-datetime2-slovene | | Slovene language module for the datetime2 package |
tex-datetime2-spanish | | Spanish language module for the datetime2 package |
tex-datetime2-swedish | | Swedish language module for the datetime2 package |
tex-datetime2-turkish | | Turkish language module for the datetime2 package |
tex-datetime2-ukrainian | | Ukrainian language module for the datetime2 package |
tex-datetime2-usorbian | | Upper Sorbian language module for the datetime2 package |
tex-datetime2-welsh | | Welsh language module for the datetime2 package |
titrax | | Little X11 tool to track project times |
todotxt | | Simple and extensible shell script for managing your todo.txt file |
tty-clock | | Simple console clock |
tzdiff | | Showing time pairs between target timezone and localtime |
uair | | Extensible pomodoro timer |
vixie-cron | | Execute and maintain scheduled commands |
wmCalClock | | Another WindowMaker calendar/clock dockapp |
wmclockmon | | Windowmaker dockapp for time/date |
wmfishtime | | Dockable clock application with clock, date and fish |
wmitime | | Windowmaker dockapp for time/date/itime |
wmmoonclock | | Shows lunar ephemeris to fairly high accuracy |
wmtime | | Time/Date applet for WindowMaker |
wmzcalock | | Dockapp calendar clock |
xalarm | | X11 interactive alarm clock |
xbeats | | Beats clock dockable in both Window Maker and AfterStep |
xchrono | | Multi-timezone X11-based clock |
xclock | | Analog / digital clock for X |
xdaliclock | | Animated digital clock |
xdiary | | Calendar utility based on Motif/X |
xdkcal | | X Desktop Calendar |
xfce4-orage | | Xfce time managing application |
xfce4-timer-plugin | | Xfce4 timer plugin |
xonclock | | Analog clock |
xtide | | X11 tide predictor |
xtimer | | Super simple digital timer for X11 |
xtu | | Small configurable X11 analog clock |
zonetab | | NetBSD file |